Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let's Talk Science

There are many opinions on the role of scientists in education and outreach programs. This is a discussion that happens routinely in my lab, and the Cottenie lab website has postings that cover several topics of science and education. I think that these discussions are important to have and I have certainly changed the way I view science education over the last few years because of them. But sometimes, we have to abandon the discussion (or put it on hold for a while) and just get out there and do something.

Marina and I recently started volunteering with the program Let's Talk Science. This organization runs may different education and outreach activities and is unique in that it is powered almost solely by graduate students! Filled with ideas of things we would like to do with LTS, we realized that we needed a small project to start with. Enter Karl's oldest son's first grade science class! Next week, we will be facilitating a workshop for four grade 1/2 french immersion classes (don't worry we are permitted to talk in english- we double checked!) at a local Guelph public school.

Our theme is "The Wonderful Word of Microbes" or all things small, and one of our main focuses is on bacteria and viruses, both good, bad and just plain germy. In preparation we have been testing some interactive activities, mostly involving UV lamps and we are looking forward to the real deal next week.

So whether you believe promoting science education is important, or think interactive learning is the way to go, stay tuned for an update how our session with the students goes!

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