Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Planktoneer's write too? Well. We'll see about that.

My first experience in the Cottenie lab started 2nd semester of 3rd year when I worked on a semester long research project using data collected in Churchill that previous summer (2007). While I finished that research project course what seems like ages ago...I should have known that just as nothing in ecology is cut and dry, neither is the process of academia.

Academia, now there is a word that I don't slip into casual conversation everyday (well actually I probably use it far too often...something I'm sure my housemates could attest too). Now according to Wikapedia, "Academia" refers to "the community of students and scholars engaged in higher education and research." Well I've always known that there was a lot of that going on on the 2nd floor of the science complex, and beyond...but Monday I officially entered the world of academia...well at least I sent in my membership application, i.e. I submitted my first manuscript.

So now I am waiting to find out if I will get to undergo the initiation ritual of the peer review process, or if my membership card will get "lost" in the mail...

Stay tuned for updates and perhaps a summary of the manuscript, so that students I have been working with for the last few years no longer have to ask, "so what do you do again?".


  1. woohoo i submitted my Churchill paper recently too! what journal did you submit to? go school!

  2. Congrats Amanda!!! That's fantastic news!! You'll make it through the peer review process and have your first publication before you know it!
    I am hoping I'll get to apply for my academia membership card later this fall.
