But rain is good! Because we were getting really sad that our pools were drying up. Making them really hard to sample...
First of all I would like to say that something has happened that we were all waiting for. I think you know what I'm talking about.... The Bears. The bears have returned! Thursday we were foiled in our plans to go to our study site and sample because we saw not only one bear but two. Both fortunately and unfortunately they were very far away, so I don't have any photos. But imagine a big white bear walking on the ice...that's what it looked like
When we saw the first bear we decided that it was far enough away and heading in the opposite direction so we could probably work at our site. The second bear we saw was a little closer and down wind so...we went to home hardware instead and then went looking for caribou. Which we ALSO found!

It was an animally day. We were just missing a wolverine.
One of the coolest things about being up here early enough is watching (extremely rapidly I might add) the transition from winter to summer. There really doesn't seam to be a spring. Once it warms up Everything just...changes.
A few days ago we were taking videos of seals on the ice...I hope to post this video but it is being difficult at the moment
A couple days later we got these pictures of the ice breaking up
By the next day the ice was almost completely gone and the bugs were in full force! maybe the temperature today will slow them down a little.
The flowers are starting to bloom everywhere!
And two days ago the weather was warm enough that we actually went swimming! This of course wasn't in Hudson bay...we're just preparing ourselves for the bay dip in t minus 8 days.
This was in one of the pools on our bluff. Not a study pool of course, but the pool we like to call "The Lake" ...original name...we know.
We have a video of this too. We will have to post videos separately I guess.
To back track a little, on June 3rd I was lucky enough to get to go out with a tour guide/birder/local, Paul.
I was able to see a lot of different things. Including birds: white crowned warbler, yellow warblers, red poles, jeagers, tonnes of gulls (we saw them before too by the coast but now I can actually name a couple, such as the bonepart gull and arctic terns). We also saw lots of shore birds: Pacific loons, surf scoter, golden eye scoter, sea ducks, mergansers, phaloropes and lots of others too (I'll have to compile a list). And also there some really interesting birds such as: bald eagles, a golden eagle, a short eared owl, and sand cranes.
The guide also showed us a foxes den where there were three or four pups lounging in the sun. I was able to show these pups to the film crew that I was helping and they are hopefully going to add some footage to their documentary. This pictures a little blurry but there are two little pups in there.
Here's a picture of the bison that Ingrid and I ate
Afterwards we went to Cape Merry where saw some more belugas and a pretty evening sun
Now I am really curious
ReplyDeleteInteresting …obviously ..predators don’t just come as single, large, white, fuzzy, camouflaged teeth and claws but also as hordes of small, winged, needle armed bombers. You will really need to be guarding all quarters now.