So, as Amanda mentioned in the latest post. We spent a night "out" last night. Which was a fun filled evening with fireworks social networking.
I was able to snap a few neat pictures of the fireworks even if they are a little out of focus.
This morning when we were returning home it felt like it was super early. But, believe it or not this sun Rise, I believe, was occurring at around 3 am.
This morning we went into town for the annual Churchill, Canada Day parade. It was pretty enjoyable and we were able to steal some of the candy from the small children that was being thrown from the floats.
The parade only lasted about 15 minutes but there were lots of interesting floats.
Small ones...
Fancy ones...
And GINORMOUS ones...
I CAN NOT believe how big the Tundra Buggies ARE in real life. It is crazy to think that they NEED to be this big for a Reason. A polar bear, apparently not deterred by this monstrosity of a vehicle, will come right up to it and stand on its hind legs with its head reaching the window. So that you could (hypothetically of course) reach out the window and pet it's face. I suddenly feel like we should be carrying a Bazooka gun in the field instead of a puny little shot gun...
But anyways, despite the tundra buggy possibly being the highlight of the parade there were lots of interesting people as well.
Dressed up ones...
And hugely tall ones...
There were also some funny spectators that I'm going to post pictures of....just because.
The rest of the day was spent in various directions. I helped out a camera crew who needed an extra person to hold things while doing an interview with a professor who is studying permafrost issues. It was fun! I never imagined there would be so much involved with a simple outdoor interview. But I got to be the person that the person being interview, stares at when answering the questions, while holding one of those big poofy sound things....the boom i think its called. Anyways, great experience.
Amanda and Ingrid went on another adventure to a "secret" destination, which will be revealed shortly I assume. And were also able to check out Cape Mary in town and see some Belugas come in. So we will definitely be checking that out again in the near future!
Overall, it was an excellent Canada day. Hope you all enjoyed yours as well!
It's okay Erinn...our shotgun may be puny, but our YSI salinity meter doubles as a bazooka.
ReplyDeleteThose tundra buggies are no match for polar bears... from what Ingrid has told me- polar bears can get
And now... I am thinking about squids.