So you may have noticed that all our seal pictures up to this point have exhibited only a dot on the ice. Finally, we have some pictures - taken from a helicopter - that are slightly better in quality and maybe just a tad closer-up ;)
Aren't they sooooo cuuute?! These photos were all taken by Kyle, a volunteer at the Studies Centre who happens to be an amateur aerial photographer. He actually has his own company, AirShots Aerial Photography. We hired Kyle and sent him up on a helicopter to get a bird's-eye perspective of our bluff; the seals (and beluagas) were a side treat:
Da Bluff from above. You can see some of the bigger rock pools. To the left is a huge rock pool that we plan to go swimming in...when it is warmer(?). Off to the right is the Human Bridge crevice.
Belugas. From this angle, you can even see one of its blowholes.
More seals basking and being adorable.
I wish we could have all gone up! See, Karl, how thrifty and noble we are, sacrificing amazing once-in-a-liftime wildlife experiences for good aerial shots of your metacommunity system.
Anyway, tomorrow we start our fourth week of sampling. And seal-watching. Watchin them do the banana. Go, bananas, go go bananas!
No i do not have cabin fever.
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